This is a lamp that follows the light of the sun. The light bulb (electricity)
is programmed to follow the sun. When the sun rises in the morning
the lamp starts to omit light, intensifying every second, shining brightest
in middle of the day. After this the light begins to fade with the
sun, appearing dimmest at sunset. You can`t see the light changing
beacuse it omnit light in a very slow movement, but it changes all
the time as the sun moves in the sky. A digital sun.

(Computer version)
A yellow field moving at a computer
screen. It reflects the suns movements in the sky and the movement can
hardly be seen, but it s moving all
the time. When the sun rises a yellow field starts to move, first the
field can hardly be seen but the more the sun moves the more you can
see of the yellow field. At the middle of the day the whole field can
be seen and the whole screen are yellow. It could be seen as a slowly
moving painting.
When the sun goes down the yellow field disappear. You can follow the
sun live when it’s moving over your area/city. A digital Sun.
See net versions:
This project is also made for mobilphones and as a lamp. Read more
about the diffrent versions below.

This project are coded specific for a geoghrapical location. I code
the piece for the site/location where its shown. This piece has been
shown in different places in Sweden, Canada, Scotland and Finland.
So far there is nine versions of the program for nine different geographical
locations and I intends to continue to produce new ones.
Exhibition history
Pixelache (Reykjavik art museum) 2008
Twilight suite 2008 (London, The Louise T Blouin Institute)
Reykjavík kulturfestival 2008 (Reykjavík, Iceland)
Art-tech-media international congresso (Spain) 2007
Perth, Threshold art space (Scotland) 20060901
Berlin, Galleri Mein Blaue (Germany) 20060620
Glasgow, Egoburger(Scotland) 20060520
Helsinki, Helsinki art academy, (Finland) 20060410
Montreal, Ministry of Casual Living (Canada) 20051220
Vancover,Vaarc gallery, (Canada) 20060110
Jonkoping, länsmuseet, (Sweden) 20051120
Gothenburg, Valentin o Byhr, konsthögskolan Valand (Sweden) 20050520
Stromstad, Lokstallet konsthall, (Sweden) 2005041